Everyone needs role models. No one is discussing this in the autism field nearly enough. This article shows what it takes to be a role model. Autism and role models are not discussed enough. Learn more about what it takes. »
A minimum of Three IEP meetings per Year
Having a minimum of three IEP meetings per year certainly provides the opportunity to look back over a school year and analyze how and why your child has progressed to where they are is invaluable. It’s also a powerful opportunity to brain storm and discuss your concerns and questions with professionals who have spent many months teaching your child. Read why three IEP meetings per year are necessary »
Parents IEP rights are protected.
Right to be notified and present at all meetings before the agency initiates or changes (or refuses to initiate or change) the identification, evaluation, placement or provision of a free appropriate public education for your child. We make sure parents IEP rights are respected and implemented. »
“The farther away Asperger adults grow from being kids, the more we face profound challenges”
As an Asperger adult I might not often express love and kindness, but I know I can provide a positive atmosphere for someone who feels broken down by the world and has to be built up. Asperger Adults »