Do not rely upon the school system to be your child’s IEP Advocate.
Don’t go to the IEP/504 meeting empty-handed, bring our Custom IEP or Custom 504 Plan with you.
A Custom IEP/504 Plan document created by an IEP Advocate is a document that gets results. A RESOURCE Education Solutions Custom IEP or 504 Plan is built around the needs of your child. You can be sure our Custom IEP/504 Plan will list the correct goals to help your student succeed. It will itemize the appropriate tools and modifications needed and specify the proper environment so that your student can learn and perform without obstacles. The document will specify utilization of the newest technology, academic modifications, and accommodations that level the playing field for your child. The Custom IEP and Custom 504 documents we construct are designed to maximize your student’s learning, performance, and fulfillment.
It’s a free call to see if we can help you.