Does my child qualify for an IEP if he is failing most of his classes in eighth grade, but not all of them? He is passing his algebra and science class, but just barely. I’m worried that he won’t be able to keep up in high school next year.
Unfortunately failing in school does not in of by itself qualify a student for special education assistance, even though it may be very useful. You will have to meet with his teachers to see if they can ascertain exactly why he is failing some and barely passing other subjects. Is it bad test grades, not turning assignments/homework in on time, limited interest in the subject matter?
Before testing is recommended, certain behavioral issues must be ruled out. Does the student have a history of poor grades? Is the current poor performance sudden? If a student is consistently demonstrating poor work habits and study skills in all subjects, but still passing math and science, then it may be that the student has genuine interest in these subject areas. It is important to create an inventory of student strengths and weaknesses, even if a student does not qualify for special education services. Resource Education Solutions can create an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for any student to help identify learning styles, interests, goals and progress milestones. An IEP is also an invaluable roadmap for students who are home schooled whether or not special education determinations have been made.