- The school does not provide the full range of services that the student requires.
- The school does not provide the correct amount of time for the special education service to have an impact.
- The IEP goals and objectives are appropriate for special education needs.
- The student is placed in a more restrictive environment than necessary.
- The school does not provide the Extended School Year (ESY) services needed.
- Parents’ concerns are minimized or ignored.
- Parents are confused and frustrated by the terminology used at the IEP meeting.
- The student is placed in the wrong special education classroom.
- The student is dismissed from special education services prematurely.
- The students’ lack of progress is not investigated and remedied.
The wrong IEP can adversely impact the progress that a student should be making
with an Individualized Education Plan. The quality of the IEP results is dependent on the quality of the original plan. IEP’s developed by schools are often at odds with the actual needs of the student. Constrained by limited budgets, school recommendations often fall short of the appropriate measures that should be taken under the law,
Parents are not be aware of all of the options, assistance and modifications that are available to their child. They often feel compelled to agree and sign a plan contract that is less than adequate. RESOURCE Education Solutions can provide a complete Custom IEP that responds to the needs of the student as a priority, not the school budget. We can also modify an existing IEP and attend the IEP conference to ensure
that appropriate education measures are included in the IEP contract before signing.
An informed parent is the best ally that a student can have!