Academic Accommodations and modifications: Whats is the difference?
Academic accommodations can be specified in an IEP or 504 plan; it provides different ways for children with disabilities to take in information or communicate their knowledge back to others. Accommodations are adjustments to make sure children with disabilities have equal access to the curriculum and a way to be successful. The changes do not alter or lower the standards or expectations for a subject or test. The student is still expected to know the same material and answer the same questions as fully as the other children. Some examples of modifications might be more time on tests, giving answers orally, having test questions read aloud to the student, special seating arrangements, and assistive technology.
Academic modifications are topically only implemented through the IEP, its very rare to see a 504 plan discuss modifications to school curriculum. Modifications to the curriculum means making changes in what is being taught to or expected from the student especially while attending a mainstream class. Modification or change to the curriculum means the student won’t be doing the same level of work as the other children and won’t be expected to master the same academic content as others in the classroom. Some examples of modifications are specially designed instruction, reduce the number of spelling words for spelling tests, reduction of homework, reduction of class work, omitting story problems, using specialized/alternative curricula written at lower level, simplified vocabulary and concepts, alternative reading books at independent reading level, tests are written at lower level of understanding, preview tests provided as study guide, picture supports are provided, use of calculator, grading based on pass/fail, grading based on work completion.
It is very possible a student may need both academic accommodations and and academic modifications.
As a team member of the IEP and 504 meetings, parents have a legal right to suggest and request teaching strategy, academic accommodations, and or modification, that they believe will help their child. School personnel are required to discuss each suggestion and as a team help choose the most appropriate educational approach. The cost or inconvenience to the school system cannot be a determining factor. Parents have the right to demand educational approaches that works. To maintain optimal academic outcomes and teacher accountability, Resource Education Solutions recommend scheduling IEP and 504 meetings at a minimum of three times a year; beginning, middle and end.