The U.S. Department of Justice is cracking down after an investigation found that students with disabilities were unnecessarily segregated and forced to work for little or no pay for years in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Students with disabilities were unnecessarily segregated »
Alternate Assessments
The purpose of this booklet is to introduce you to the “big ideas” contained in school improvement efforts under NCLB and IDEA, and to provide you with the information you need to help ensure your child can benefit from these efforts. Combining academic and functional learning: Ron is learning the concepts of more, equal (“same”), and less in the context of consumer choices. Having access to the same information as other students his age helps him develop appropriate language and provides increased opportunities for interaction and communication. alternate assessments make it possible for your child to show what he or she has learned »
IDEA IEP Changes Video
This video discusses students who have the benefit of an IEP but have behavior problems in school and or at school functions. Continue Reading »
IDEA Provisions Video
This video gives a basic overview of IEP rules and regulations. It shows how detailed an IEP needs to be in order for the student to fully benefit from its implementation. Continue Reading »
Emphasis, transition to adult education
Key changes to that act are designed to increase the emphasis on the transition to adult education participants to postsecondary education and training. It will help workers attain the foundation skills necessary for 21st-century jobs and foster a modern workforce to help American companies be competitive. This includes these programs participating in state-coordinated, shared infrastructure costs as well as service delivery coordination. Transition to adult »
Q. My child is attending a private school. Can we still have the public school system provide special education services and an IEP?
My child is attending a private school. Can we still have the public school system provide special education services and an IEP? During the IEP meeting when parents ask for special education services and or therapy for a student not enrolled in the public school, the response most often heard is no. Our expertise removes unnecessary obstacles that challenge appropriate special educational experiences for students and their families.
Parents just don’t know what to ask at the IEP meeting
Parents are constructive IEP participants when they are able to discuss their child’s educational problems with us, as well as learn about our specific educational solutions before attending an IEP meeting. Don't know what to ask at the IEP meeting »
Is Response to intervention (RTI) a special education program?
RTI is not synonymous with special education. They are very different. RTI is not a binding agreement between the school system and parents. Before parents agree to one or the other they need to have expert advice that is based on a thorough understanding of the child’s educational strengths, weakness, and expectations. Continue Reading »
Who Must Attend the IEP Meeting? By Resource Education Solutions
An IEP conference may not be held unless all required persons are present. The IEP (Individualized Education Plan) is at the very heart of the IDEA. This information may become very important later if a parent disputes the contents of an IEP. A member of the IEP Team may be excused from attending an IEP Team meeting Continue Reading »
I’m wondering if autistic kids can have early-onset PTSD that hasn’t been acknowledged.
I have a feeling I’ll have to talk about lots of stories I’d rather forget. A year and a half ago, a concerned mother of a three-year-old boy just diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome asked me “What do you remember from being that age?” Continue Reading »